Community Notes – Edgeworthstown

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Our Community Notes pages are open to local groups and organisations to inform us of forthcoming events and to let us know (including photos) how they went.

Send copies of fliers, photos and reports to our website administrator John Cahill at

What’s on in Edgeworthstown?

FOLLOW and SHARE “What’s on in Edgeworthstown?!” to stay updated on all the events happening in town.
Followers who sign up to the whatsapp channel will see the events. It’s free and all you need is a mobile phone and the program WhatsApp.
Whether you’re looking for something fun to do or just want to connect with others, we’ll do our best to share all the latest happenings in Edgeworthstown here!

Edgeworthstown District Development
Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns
Edgeworthstown Traders Association
Mostrim Players
Mostrim GAA
St. Mary’s Community Centre & Sports Hub Edgeworthstown
Fabulous Finds



The 2025 Maria Edgeworth Festival of Literature, Arts & Movement!
We’re delighted to present an exciting programme of events that celebrates creativity, culture, and the spirit of artistic expression. Below, you’ll find a list of the vibrant activities taking place throughout the festival.
2025 Maria Edgeworth Festival of Literature, Arts & Movement


Happy New Year to you all – some recollections from 2024
With many thanks to photographer John McGerr


Own Your Road
Posted on January 6, 2025 by John McGerr

We have an exciting new proposition for the people of the parish today, something we are calling ‘ Own Your Road’ where we invite you to get involved in Tidy Towns in a way that suits you. We have some volunteers who already are doing this – cleaning up in their own areas, setting their own schedule that works for them and benefits us all. If this interests you then you can read through the post or download a copy in PDF format here. Link
Our chairman Tom Dooley will be the main contact for this. You can ring him at at 087 2405 387 but please read the material first, it contains some good practical advice and might already contain the answers you need.

Own Your Road

Tidy Towns are inviting people in the Parish to Own Their Roads. We currently have a number of volunteers who clean up in their area at a time that suits them on their ‘Road’. Your ‘Road’ might be your housing estate, it might be a lane, it might be outside your door, it might be a stretch of road on which you live. One, two or more people would decide to join up and set a rota that works for them. A day and time that suits some might not suit others.

So how do you begin:

You request a picker, hi-viz vest, bags and gloves from Tidy Towns. Get yourself good boots or wellies (or both). You set yourself a goal of maybe an hour every week, or every couple of days (you set your own schedule) and you go out in your area and pick up rubbish. You can arrange with Tidy Towns to have this rubbish collected.

Seems simple – is there anything else:

Yes, your area might benefit from some flower planting or have areas where fly tipping (illegal dumping) is occurring. If you want to plant flowers in a location come and chat to Tidy Towns and we will see what we can do. A larger group of people might get together, have a bake sale or some other fund raiser and use the money to buy flowers and set them, or they might buy paint to brighten up gates, walls or fences. Where Fly tipping had occurred a larger group might arrange a day to remove as much of the rubbish as possible.

Tracking progress:

If, for example, you have a schedule that involves you going out twice a week for two hours. You can record the number of bags collected for each week and see does this start to reduce in time. If you report/clean up and fly tipping areas you can record this and then see if they stop, or if they move to a new location. Same with planting flowers or doing painting but keep a record of what you did. These can be sent onto Tidy Towns who can include them in our entry form as a way of recording community involvement.

Can I use machinery:

This can be a tricky area – if you are familiar with strimmers, mowers and other equipment and feel confident using them in your area then speak to Tidy Towns and we will advise you.

Other things to Note:

Above all else – BE SAFE! We cannot stress this enough, you will be on public roads where you might get hit by traffic. Make sure to wear your hi-viz coats or jackets, even in day light. Rubbish maybe in ditches or fields, unless you can access this easily it’s best to ignore it. If there is a lot of it you can notify Tidy Towns and we will see what we can do. If you use equipment make sure to take precautions if you need to, such as gloves, goggles, ear protection, foot protection etc.

Some people might arrange to be collectors – a person with a van, or a car and trailer might arrange with different groups to collect their rubbish at regular intervals, maybe once a week for example he or she might collect from a number of groups.

To contact us you can ring Tom Dooley at 087 2405 387


Maria Edgeworth Festival May Bank Holiday

From it’s initial beginnings almost thirty years ago this festival has grown to a nationally recognised literary event. Every year there is a different theme to celebrate the many accomplishments of the Maria Edgeworth and her father who give the lovely town its name. The weekend hosts a broad range of activities including talks, poetry, short story competitions, workshops, readings, historical trails, musical performances, nature walks and theatre performances. And a highlight every year is the 18th Century Costume Tea Party where everybody dresses up. Crumpet anyone?

For more information visit www.maria


Christmas Holly image

Edgeworthstown Christmas Lights turn-on on Sunday December 8th, 2024

With many thanks to photographer John McGerr
Click Here to view images

Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns recently purchased a new machine – the Greenbuster Pro. This is a quick way to clean the moss and weeds from the brick pavements and traffic islands around the town. We’d very much like to thank local people who supported our fundraisers over the years, allowing us to re-invest in this machine to help make our town look better. We tried it out today on the Ballymahon Road and the photos and video show it in action with the before and after results.
Click to see video

Moss removal - before image

Moss removal - after image

Moss removal machine

Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns are delighted to announce we added 13 more points in this year’s competition.
Thanks to our volunteers, community workers, Edgeworthstown traders, County Council and local people for helping to achieve this result. Full report can be read here:-

2024 Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns results report

Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns annual raffle

Edgeworthstown - a painting by Tom Dooley

Edgeworthstown – a painting by Tom Dooley

Draw was held on Saturday September 28th.
1st Prize – Large Hamper – Liam Monaghan

2nd Prize – Tom Dooley painting – Niall Leavy

3rd prize – Cosmetic Hamper – Dawn Galvin

4th Prize – George Foreman Grill – Siofra Geoghegan

5th Prize – Hamper – Toiletries – Emma Doyle

National Famine Commemoration 2024

We are delighted to say that Edgeworthstown will host the 2024 National Famine Commemoration.

This year’s National Famine Commemoration is set to unfold in Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford on Sunday, May 19th, 2024. This upcoming event marks a significant occasion. The public ceremony presents an opportunity for the people of Longford and neighbouring counties to pay homage to the memory of those who perished or sought refuge to a new life abroad during the Great Irish Famine.

Notably, this marks the first instance of the State Commemoration occurring in County Longford. Following the tradition of previous years, the event will feature military honours and will culminate in a solemn wreath-laying ceremony as a tribute to all those who suffered or perished during this historical period.

We look forward to this solemn occasion that recalls such a tragic period in our Nation’s history and remembering the efforts of Maria Edgeworth to relive the suffering our town.

You can read the full Government Press Release here

The event will be held outdoors in The Green from 11.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. where seating for 300 will be provided. This will be an all ticket event with tickets (free) to be booked online. Further details will be announced in due course.

Spring Clean Poster April 13th 2024

Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns are holding their annual Spring Clean on April 13th 2024 at 2 p.m. We will be meeting at the library. There you will be given bags, gloves, pickers, before you set off litter picking.
We encourage people to carry out a clean in their own area – street, estate or road.
If you have bags filled and need them collected then contact Tom Dooley on 087 2405387 or John Farrell on 087 2135291 who will arrange collection.
If you cannot do the Saturday and another day suits then please go ahead and let us know what section you are doing. If you need pickers, bags or other items please also let us know.
We have some big events coming up in May and judging starts then too so it would be great to get the town looking it’s best. So come along out and help, not just that day but other days too.
Also, please be safe on the roads!

The 28th annual Maria Edgeworth Festival of Literature & Arts takes place on 10th – 12th May 2024.
Closing date for Poetry and Short Story Competition is February 23rd at 5.00 p.m.
Entry online on
Looking back on the year 2023
Events featured:
Culture Night at Edgeworth Centre, Literary Festival 2023, En Passant Book Launch, Christmas Fun Day and Market, Artisan Market, Edgeworth Telegraph Event, Mostrim GAA goes to Hollywood, Lip-sync Battle of the Bands, Heritage Week Walk, French Ambassador Visit, Mostrim Players ‘Tomfoolery at the Folly’, Garda Centenary Book Launch, Xmas Lights Switch-On. Tidy Towns work on bridge at The Green.
Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns held their Annual General meeting on Saturday 25th November 2023 in The Green.

Chairman Tom Dooley gave a recap of some of the groups’ projects and achievements over the past year and thanked volunteers and scheme workers for their contributions and local people for their support. A special mention was made for Margaret Hayden, our treasurer, who stepped down from her role. Tom also remembered those who passed away in the past year.

John Cahill, secretary, then presented a comprehensive report from the previous AGM as well a summary of notable events through the year.

After this Margaret Hayden presented her Treasurer’s report, also comprehensive. We would all like to thank Margaret for her work with the finances and her advice and assistance with various projects through the year. We wish Margaret well for the future. John Farrell and Beatrice Patterson were both nominated for the post of Treasurer and with John declining Beatrice was elected. Beatrice is very involved in all that the group does and we wish her well in her new post.

The rest of the meeting was taken up with discussions of plans that did not get completed for various reasons as well as plans for the future. It was noted that a development plan for the town had been prepared by another group some years ago but has never been acted on. This should be dusted down, updated and together with other community groups and local politicians (it was noted that Town Teams did not get off the ground) should be the focus of developments for the future.

A lot of focus was on recent announcements of plans for road works and various other projects to be undertaken in the new year. There was some disappointment expressed about delays that have occurred with these plans in the past and further meetings will be held with local authorities to try to get these jobs completed in the new year. With that and with no other business to be discussed Tom called the meeting to a close and another year is officially over.

We will continue our clean up activities as usual and we are still keen to recruit new volunteers to help out so please get in touch.

Community Groups and Facilities
  • Maria Edgeworth Centre, Ballymahon Road

  • Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns

  • Edgeworthstown Library, Main Street

  • Edgeworthstown Medical Centre, Dublin Road

  • Our Lady’s Manor Nursing Home, Dublin Road

  • Active Retirement Ireland, Edgeworthstown
    Click for further details

  • co:worx, Digital Hub, Main Street

  • Edgeworthstown Traders Association

  • Edgeworthstown District Development

  • St Mary’s Community Centre, Sports Hub, Granard Road

  • The Green, Old Longford Road

  • St. Mary’s Childcare Campus, Granard Road

  • St. John’s National School, Ballinalee Road

  • St. Mary’s National School, Granard Road

  • Mostrim GAA Club, Ballymahon Road

  • Wolfe Tones Hurling Club

  • Mostrim United Underage FC

  • Mostrim Badminton Club

  • Mostrim Players

  • Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann – Joe Callaghan Branch
  • Love where you Live! Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns

    Tidy Towns - Watering Flower Baskets


    Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns

    SuperValu tidytowns-celebrating-25-years

    Edgeworthstown Tidy Towns – volunteers always needed
    Come and help make our town and surrounding areas a better place to live in

    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary
    I am Irish. How can I join?

    Is Éireannach mé. Conas is féidir liom a bheith páirteach?
    Buaileann ár bpríomhghrúpa oibre lasmuigh d’Óstán Edgeworth gach tráthnóna Dé Sathairn ag 2.00 p.m.
    Teagmhálacha: Tom Dooley, Cathaoirleach 087 2405387 nó John Cahill, Rúnaí

    I am Polish. How can I join?
    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary

    Jestem Polakiem. Jak mogę dołączyć?
    Nasza główna grupa robocza spotyka się poza hotelem Edgeworth w sobotnie popołudnie o godz. 2.00.
    Kontakty: Tom Dooley, Przewodniczący 087 2405387 lub John Cahill, Sekretarz

    I am Slovakian. How can I join?
    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary

    Som slovenčina. Ako sa môžem pripojiť?
    Naša hlavná pracovná skupina sa stretáva mimo hotela Edgeworth každú sobotu popoludní o 14.00 hod.
    Kontakty: Tom Dooley, predseda 087 2405387 alebo John Cahill, tajomník

    I am Czech. How can I join?
    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary

    Naše hlavní pracovní skupina se schází mimo Edgeworth Hotel každou sobotu odpoledne ve 14:00.
    Kontakty: Tom Dooley, předseda 087 2405387 nebo John Cahill, tajemník

    I am Latvian. How can I join?
    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary

    Esmu latviešu valoda. Kā es varu pievienoties?
    Mūsu galvenā darba grupa tiekas ārpus viesnīcas Edgeworth Hotel katru sestdienu pēcpusdienā plkst. 14:00.
    Kontakti: Tom Dooley, priekšsēdētājs 087 2405387 vai John Cahill, sekretārs

    I am Lithuanian. How can I join?
    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary

    Mūsų pagrindinė darbo grupė susitinka ne Edgeworth Hotel kiekvieną šeštadienio popietę, 14.00 val.
    Kontaktai: Tom Dooley, pirmininkas 087 2405387 arba John Cahill, sekretorius

    I am Russian. How can I join?
    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary

    Я русский. Как я могу присоединиться?
    Наша основная рабочая группа встречается за пределами отеля Edgeworth каждую субботу днем в 14:00.
    Контакты: Том Дули, председатель 087 2405387 или Джон Кэхилл, секретарь

    I am Portugeuse. How can I join?
    Our main work group meets outside the Edgeworth Hotel each Saturday afternoon at 2.00 p.m.
    Contacts: Tom Dooley, Chairman 087 2405387 or John Cahill, Secretary

    Eu sou portugues. Como posso participar?
    Nosso principal grupo de trabalho se encontra fora do Edgeworth Hotel todas as tardes de sábado às 14h00.
    Contatos: Tom Dooley, Presidente 087 2405387 ou John Cahill, Secretário

    Edgeworthstown Lives - Video Interviews with Local People

    Edgeworthstown Lives

    Back in 2015 Gerry Lynn, Jimmy Connell and John McGerr discussed the idea of interviewing some members of the older generation of our parish with the idea of collecting their stories and memories.
    The resulting videos below are interivews of local people reflecting on times past and how life has changed in and around Edgeworthstown. The interviews were conducted by Jimmy Connell and filmed by John McGerr (many thanks guys). More interviews will be added here as they are made available.

    See also Facebook page EDGEWORTHSTOWN LIVES   CLICK HERE


    • Sean Logan, Church Street

    CLICK HERE (running time 36 minutes)


    • Paddy and Lena McLoughlin, Kilsallagh

    CLICK HERE (running time 58 minutes)


    • Noel and Mary Walsh, Garryandrew

    CLICK HERE (running time 48 minutes)

    • Gertie McEnroe, Pound Street

    CLICK HERE (running time 25 minutes)


    • Jackie and Margaret Devine, Shantum

    CLICK HERE (running time 51 minutes)


    • Liam and Linda Monaghan, Ballinruddy, Ardagh

    CLICK HERE (running time 1 hour and 25 minutes)


    • Tom and Nora McLoughlin, Bracklin

    CLICK HERE (running time 1 hour and 2 minutes)


    • Johnny Lynn, Main Street

    CLICK HERE (running time 38 minutes)


    • Harry Burke, Barne

    CLICK HERE (running time 63 minutes)


    • John and Anna McGerr, Aughafin

    CLICK HERE (running time 40 minutes)


    • Loren Katie Logan, Liscahill

    CLICK HERE (running time 50 minutes)


    • Mary Donohoe, Lisnageeragh

    CLICK HERE (running time 57 minutes)


    • Ina McCormack

    CLICK HERE (running time 54 minutes)


    Lesser Spotted Journeys
    Lesser Spotted Journeys

    Click HERE for the October 2017 show when Joe Mahon visited and explored Edgeworthstown

    (courtesy Westway Film Productions Ltd.)