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- Baptism
- Reconcilliation – Confession
- Eucharist – Holy Communion
- Confirmation
- Holy Orders
- Marriage
- Sacrament of the Sick
The Seven Sacraments are explored in Alive-0 8 Term 1 Lesson 12.There are three sacraments of initiation:
– Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation
There are two sacraments of healing:
– Penance/Reconciliation and the Annointing of the Sick
There are two sacraments of vocation:
– Holy Orders and Matrimony.
(Reference: Alive-0, Alive-0 3 to Alive-0 8)
How to Book a Baptism:-
A minimum of four weeks notice is required.
Bookings can be made by calling in person to the priest of the parish (we can’t accept bookings by telephone).
Baptisms take place at a time to suit families and in agreement with the parish priest.
The Baptism Team help Parents and God Parents to prepare for Baptism.
Sometimes we do things that hurt others or we fail to do things that might truly help others. Thus, we become disconnected from friendship and love with God, ourselves and others. We forget the message that Jesus gave us: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, and love your neighbour as yourself.’ When we choose to reconnect with God’s friendship and love, we know that God our Father is ready to forgive us when we say sorry. The Risen Jesus brings us back to God’s friendship and helps us to be reconciled with God and others. ‘Each of the faithful is bound by an obligation faithfully to confess serious sins at least once a year.’
(Reference: Alive-0 3 and Alive-0 8)
(Reference: Alive-0 3 to Alive-0 8)
Much of a child’s preparation for First Communion is assisted by the school they are attending, and also by members of a team (usually made up of parents of the current year’s First Communion children), who follow the Do This In Memory Of Me programme.
For those that are unable to receive the host e.g. those who are sick or housebound or who require low gluten hosts, please let us know at the sacristy so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
(Reference: Alive-0 7 and Alive-0 8)
(Reference: Alive-0 6 and Alive-0 8)
For more information on Anointing the Sick, please contact one of the priests in the parish. Also, if any sick or housebound parishioners would like to receive communion on a Sunday, we would be pleased to arrange for a Eurcharistic Minister to call.
God communicates with all of us and calls us to be witnesses to God’s loving presence in the world today. Some men feel called to tell the story of God’s presence in the world in a very special way- by living out their lives as priests. These men are ordained and choose to share their whole lives and their gifts with the community. Both in their own lives as priests and in the way they lead the community of faith; they make God’s presence real in the world. In the sacrament of Holy Orders, the priest promises to lead the community in celebrating the sacraments, preaching the Gospel and teaching the faith.
(Reference: Alive-0 8)
(Reference: Alive-0 8)
What to do if you want to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage in St Mary’s?
Those residing in one of our parishes should contact the priest of that parish at least three months before the proposed date. He will check if the Church is free on the date you require and give you details of other arrangements which have to be made. Those not presently living in the parish should first approach a Priest at their own Parish and check that he is willing to celebrate the wedding and complete the pre-nuptial enquiry papers for both of you. Please note that there is also a civil requirement to give a period of notice to the registrar.
For Letters of Freedom please contact a Priest of the Parish.
Other useful information on Pre-marriage Courses and other support contact Accord.