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Job 19:1.23-27
Wisdom 3:1-9 (shorter form 3:1-6.9)
Wisdom 4:7-15
Isaiah 25:6-9
Lamentations 3:17-26
Daniel 12:1-3
Macabees 12:43-45
First reading from the New Testament (during the Easter season):
Acts of the Apostles 10:34-43
Acts of the Apostles 10:34-36, 42-43
Apocalypse 14:13
Apocpaypse 20:11-21:1
Apocalypse 21:1-7
Second reading from the New Testament:
St. Paul to the Romans 5:5-11
St. Paul to the Romans 5:17-21
St. Paul to the Romans 6:3-9 (shorter form 6:3-4, 8-9)
St. Paul to the Romans 8:14-23
St. Paul to the Romans 8:31-35, 37-39
St. Paul to the Romans 14:7-12
St. Paul to the Corinthians 15:20-28 (shorter form 15:20-23)
St. Paul to the Corinthians 15:51-57
St. Paul to Corinthians 4:14-5:1
St. Paul to the Corinthians 5:1.6-10
St. Paul to the Philippians 3:20-21
St. Paul to the Therssalonians 4:13-18
St. Paul to Timothy 2:8-13
The first Letter of St. John
The first Letter of St. John 3:14-16
Gospel Readings:
Matthew 5:1-12
Mark 15:33-39, 16:1-6
Luke 24:13-35
John 11:17-21
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1. We pray for N who has died – may God now welcome him/her into his heavenly home of eternal happiness and peace.
Lord, hear us
2. We pray for the relatives and friends of N, especially his/her wife/husband N, his/her sons and daughters ….., his/her brothers and sisters ….., the members of his/her extended family, his/her neighbours and friends – may God fill their hearts with his comfort and consolation.
Lord, hear us
3. We pray for all those whose lives are dedicated to caring for the sick and in particular we pray for the doctors, nurses, chaplain and staff of ……. Hospital/Nursing Home who cared for N during his/her illness/old age – may God reward their goodness and kindness.
Lord, hear us
4. We pray in thanksgiving for our neighbours and friends who have been so kind to us during this time of sadness – may God reward their kindness and bless their homes with happiness and peace.
Lord, hear us
5. As we pray that N will find eternal peace, we pray that the peace that is in heaven will touch the troubled parts of our world, our country, our parish, our homes and our hearts.
Lord, hear us
6. We pray for all who have died, especially the relatives and friends of N who have gone before him/her: – may God unite them all in the happiness and peace of his heavenly home.
Lord, hear us
Christ Be Beside Me.
Be Thou My Vision.
Holy God.
Seek Ye First.
Lord of All Hopefulness.
God of Mercy and Compassion.
A New Hymn of Praise.
Amazing Grace
The Lord’s My Shepherd.
Song of a Young Prophet.
Here I am Lord.
I Will Never Forget You.
Like the Deer that Yearns for Running Streams.
Be Not Afraid
All I Ask Of You
Sé an Tiarna M’Aoire
Yahweh I know you are near